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Thursday 10 December 2015

'Holy Condoms' Blessed by Pastor Cause Stampede From Thousands of Patrons

KENYA - The church members rushed to buy the "anointed condoms," causing chaos during a service.

Pastor Paul Sanyangore's "blessed condoms" are such a hit that hundreds of church members immediately flocked in the church to get the blessed contraceptives. The church leader started distributing condoms after anointing one from a woman who was abandoned by her husband.

Nigerian Scoop reported that Sanyangore anointed the condom and prophesied that the husband will come back to the woman after two years.

"I prophesied to a certain woman that her husband would return two years after his mysterious disappearance. I am not sure but during the week, the husband called her telling her he would come back home," he claimed.

The woman reportedly visited the church during the prayer service and showed the condoms to the pastor's assistant. Then, she asked if it is okay to use it when her husband returns.

Sanyangore allowed her to use the condom since he did not see anything wrong with it. After that, female church members began falling in line to get a few "blessed condoms."

A number of Kenyan pastors made headlines when they got involved with controversy. Recently, two self-proclaimed prophets were charged with extortion after luring a widow to give them money so she can get rich.

"The two pastors took the money and gave me a box which they themselves carried to my house and instructed me never to open it," Ms. Scovia Nakinto said, according to Pulse. "They warned that if I dared touch it, all the blessings would disappear."

The two came back to ask for more money so she got suspicious and decided to take a look at the box. There, she found no money.

Last month, the Kenyan government mandated that all religious organizations should submit details of their financial returns to the Registrar of Societies in order to nab fake pastors.

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